Biographie Petra Böck


On November 01,  under the Zodiac Sign of  Scorpion in Graz/Austria

Already at the delicate age of 5 years she showed her high musically interest and the parents Granted her first try with Flute and Guitar. After the basic acquaintance of reading music she started to study Guitar and Piano at the university (Konservatorium) in Graz .

The Artist

However the inspiration and pleasure developed more and more towards the vocal music. To train her vocal organs to perfection she took a few years singing lessons with private proffesors. Her  love is primarily the Light Music, Country, Folk- and Pop Songs music.

The reason of her friendly and sympathetic emission, also her distinctness voice and the natural appearance makes it possible for so many appearances by sundry organizations.

Previous Tours

A few highlights in her career so far was the receipt of the desired trophy of the  „Austrian Jodelprincess“, Austrian Radio u. Television (ORF) Hitparade, Welcome Austria, German Pop Parade, Performance by visiting performers and Tours in Argentine, Chile, Australia, United States of America , Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany and Austria.

My Disc

She has 18 CD´s and 4 Tapes.

Current Disc

The new CD: „Wer hat zuerst gelacht“ (Single)


Petra private

My Nickname is: „Pezi“
Sports: Tennis, Golf, Skiing
Travel: United States, Southern Tirol, Kaernten
Culture: Music and Art
Cinematography: Most loved Movie „Titanic“, „Pretty Woman“
My favorite Flowers: Red Roses and English Garden Roses
My Strenght: Self Confident, Spontaneous and a great Sense of Humor
My Weakness: Impatient (only sometimes)